Hello, everyone! Today I want to share about my haul from Althea Korea. I bought these products when Althea has Raya promotion. And lucky, member of Surabaya Beauty Blogger got the experience to shop there. Thank you so much Althea and Surabaya Beauty Blogger! So, no need to wait any longer. Let's jump into the haul.
On Raya seasonal promotion, the customer will get a special Raya box design depends on how big or how much products they purchased. Every box has a different color. I got the box in mint color which is the biggest one.
I always adore the box design of Althea. In this Raya box, there are pictures such as the moon, star, and an object like a mosque or a lamp. The design interprets Eid very well. Love it!
On the other side of the box, there is the phrase "Eid Mubarak" with lamp/mosque decoration.
I got an envelope which has the coupon code written on the back. Yay ! (FYI, I tried to look something inside the envelope, but there is nothing. I thought I will get something inside. Lol). And these are the products I bought.

Natural Pacific Calendula Toner - IDR 174.700

I never tried toner from Korean brand before. I mean a general toner which has a watery texture. I always choose the local one (Indonesian product). But since I hear that one product of this brand is Jun Ji Hyun's a must have product (Natural Pacific Fresh Herb Serum), I want to try this Calendula Toner. Moreover, it has the real Calendula leaf inside. It looks so beautiful!

Natural Pacific Deep Cleansing Oil - IDR 123.000

This Natural Pacific Deep Cleansing Oil is claimed by Edward Avilla (Beauty Youtuber) that "it is underrated but great". This is the cheapest cleaning oil in Althea, but I must say that I think twice before buying this product because it is only 100 ml. Edward, if you read this post, you have to know that I believe in you. No matter how much the product inside, I will try and prove that this cleansing oil is good as you said.

Natural Pacific Phyto Niacin Whitening Essence - IDR 158.000

I bought this product because Edward Avilla made me buy it. He said that this product works well to whiten and brighten his skin. Seriously. I want to try one brand skin care routine, that's why you will find Natural Pacific brand for many times in this haul post. I watched their ads on YouTube and Instagram. Their products seem great and satisfying. I'm really curious how effective these products will work on my skin.

I bought this product because it claimed that it safe for sensitive skin. This product is good for hyper pigmented or acne prone skin, oily and dehydrated skin, sensitive to the harsh chemical, sensitive and troubled skin, skin with a dull complexion. Because I have combination and dehydrated skin (seems oily, but some areas look dry that's why whitehead keeps coming), I'm curious to try this product.

It's Skin Macaron Cream Filling Cheek - Coral Chou (GIVEAWAY - IDR 93.132)

The last product is It's Skin Macaron Cream Filling Cheek in Coral Chou shade. It is a giveaway that I got from Althea. Like I wrote on this blog, Althea has a giveaway on Raya promotion that you can choose by yourself. I chose this product because I haven't tried a cream blush product, particularly the Korean one . The packaging made me scream too! It's too cute!
I'm so happy my Raya Box finally came. It sent on June 3rd and takes 4 weeks to arrive. I can understand why my Althea Box came so long because of Lebaran/Eid Mubarak. But I heard that Indonesia custom is on red line these weeks and cause every single package takes a longer time to process. Even my 2nd and 3rd order (purchased in early July) is still in the process of shipping. I hope they will come as soon as possible.
Althea Indonesia
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Get IDR 70.000 discount for new customers. Minimum purchase of IDR 600.000
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dis foto-foto kamu duuuuh gemez banget.. cakep keterlaluan.. clean bisa gitu.. aku penasaran dengan Natural Pacific Calendula Toner.. emang yaaa product kecantikan korea ini semuanya bikin penasaran.. pingin tak beli semuanya..
Awww makasihh. Bisa aja nih mbak dine <3
HapusNatural Pacific toner ini bagus banget lo mbak. Apalagi dikombinasi sama phytoniacin+fresh herb serum. Semoga red linenya Indo cepet kelar biar bisa beli-beli lagi hiks