Hai temen-temen. Kali ini aku balik dengan review cushion lagi. Ingat kan review aku sebelumnya tentang Moonshot Micro Correct Fit Cushion 301 Honey? Sekarang aku mau review pendahulunya nih yaitu Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion. Seri Setting Fit ini bukan produk cushion pertama yang dipunya Moonshot karena ada beberapa seri lain yang keluar sebelum Setting Fit. Namun seri ini booming karena Lisa Blackpink jadi model iklannya dan produk ini diklaim punya oil control dan finish yang bagus untuk cuaca seperti di Indonesia. Kalau Moonshot Micro Correct Fit Cushion punya hasil SATIN, Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion hasilnya MATTE. Penasaran review dan hasil pemakaiannya? Baca terus sampai habis ya!
Hi, dear friends. This time I'm back with a cushion review again. Remember my previous review about Moonshot Micro Correct Fit Cushion 301 Honey? Now I want to make a review about the older series one called Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion. Setting Fit Cushion is not the first cushion product launched by Moonshot. But this series gone viral because Lisa Blackpink is the brand ambassador and this cushion is claimed that it has a good oil control and formula for hot weather like Indonesia. If the Moonshot Micro Correct Fit Cushion has SATIN finish, then Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion has a MATTE finish. Are you curious about its review and the results? Read on until it's finished!
Review Moonshot Micro Correct Fit Cushion 301 Honey
Source: Moonshot Official Website
Edited by: Gadzotica
for all skin types
36 months before opening / 12 months after opening
Republic of Korea
Water, Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Cyclopentasiloxane, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Methyl Trimethicone, Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Isononyl Isononanoate, Alcohol Denat., Butylene Glycol, PEG-10 Dimethicone, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Niacinamide, Pentylene Glycol, Silica, Bis-PEG/PPG-14/14 Dimethicone, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Magnesium Sulfate, Isododecane, Stearic Acid, Alumina, Acrylates/Polytrimethylsiloxymethacrylate Copolymer, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Aluminum Hydroxide, Ethylhexylglycerin, Adenosine, Maltodextrin, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Fragrance(Parfum), Iron Oxides (CI 77492), Iron Oxides (CI 77491), Iron Oxides (CI 77499)
Water, Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Cyclopentasiloxane, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Methyl Trimethicone, Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Isononyl Isononanoate, Alcohol Denat., Butylene Glycol, PEG-10 Dimethicone, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Niacinamide, Pentylene Glycol, Silica, Bis-PEG/PPG-14/14 Dimethicone, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Magnesium Sulfate, Isododecane, Stearic Acid, Alumina, Acrylates/Polytrimethylsiloxymethacrylate Copolymer, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Aluminum Hydroxide, Ethylhexylglycerin, Adenosine, Maltodextrin, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Fragrance(Parfum), Iron Oxides (CI 77492), Iron Oxides (CI 77491), Iron Oxides (CI 77499)
Water, Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Cyclopentasiloxane, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Methyl Trimethicone, Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Isononyl Isononanoate, Alcohol Denat., Butylene Glycol, PEG-10 Dimethicone, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Niacinamide, Pentylene Glycol, Silica, Bis-PEG/PPG-14/14 Dimethicone, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Magnesium Sulfate, Isododecane, Stearic Acid, Alumina, Acrylates/Polytrimethylsiloxymethacrylate Copolymer, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Aluminum Hydroxide, Ethylhexylglycerin, Adenosine, Maltodextrin, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Fragrance(Parfum), Iron Oxides (CI 77492), Iron Oxides (CI 77491), Iron Oxides (CI 77499)
Presence or absence of screening of food and drug safety Whitening, wrinkle improvement, sun protection triple functional
USD 28.00 (official website) Price may vary
Harga dalam rupiah bisa beragam, harga 1 pc (tanpa refill) antara IDR 200.000 - IDR 300.000
Datang tanpa refill menjadikan kemasan box-nya cukup untuk 1 buah cushion. Kemasan box-nya didesain dengan gambar galaksi dominan warna biru. Aku yang suka banget sama sesuatu yang desainnya galaksi jadi jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama padahal baru lihat kotaknya. Duh, Moonshot. Kenapa sih kemasan kotaknya secantik ini??
Come without refill, making the packaging size fit for one cushion. The box was designed with blue Galaxy printing. I like galaxy things, so I can easily fall in love at first sight just by looking at the box. Oh, Moonshot. Why is your box design so beautiful??

Product information in the box is written in 2 languages (Korean and English) is a plus for Moonshot. They seem to be well aware that the products will be successful in other countries, which means English is a must.
Moonshot in your area! Logo "Moonshot Just Arrived" menyambut saat membuka kemasan kotaknya. Kelihatan kalau produk ini eksklusif banget untuk pengguna/ penggemar Moonshot.
Moonshot in your area! The "Moonshot Just Arrived" logo is welcomed when opening the box. It makes this cushion look exclusively designed for users / fans of Moonshot.
Salah satu alasanku untuk beli Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion adalah kemasannya. Yep, kemasannya terlalu cantik untuk dilewatkan. Warnanya sparkling hologram yang bisa berubah warna pelangi tergantung arah cahaya. Ada logo Moonshot yang super simpel diatasnya jadi menambah keeleganan desainnya. Dan walaupun tergores didalam pouch, desain kemasan atasnya nggak akan mengelupas. Super suka!
One of my reasons for buying Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion is the packaging. Yep, the packaging is too pretty to be missed. The color of the sparkling hologram that can change into a rainbow color depends on the direction of light. And there is a super simple Moonshot logo on top so it gives more elegance to the design. Even though it's scratched inside the pouch, the top packaging design won't damage. Super likes!
Sebagian besar keterangan BB Cushion ditulis di bagian bawah pakai huruf Korea (Hangul). Yang bisa dibaca cuma nama produk, nomor shade, SPF 50+ PA+++, netto, Made In Korea, expired date dan simbol keterangan daur ulang dan masa pakai. Nggak ada masalah selagi masih paham expired date-nya kapan. Yang jadi poin plus disini yaitu penulisan nomor shade yang luar biasa geday jadi memudahkan untuk menemukan nomor shade-nya. Memudahkan banget kalau kalian punya warna BB Cushion ini lebih dari 1.
Most BB Cushion descriptions are written at the bottom using Korean letters (Hangul). What can be read is only the product name, shade number, SPF 50+ PA +++, net, Made In Korea, expired date and some symbols about recycling and lifetime. There is no problem because I still understand when the expired date is. The plus points here is the writing of shade number is very large so you can easily find it, especially if you have many cushion shades.
Kemasan cushionnya dominan warna hitam. Aku suka banget sama desain body cushion yang warnanya hitam karena nggak mudah terlihat kotor. Kemasannya kelihatan kokoh. Sayangnya, engsel penutup cushion punyaku agak goyang. Tapi nggak kelihatan ringkih juga sih.
Cushion ini ada cerminnya seperti standar BB Cushion. Oh ya, curhat sedikit nih. Kadang aku suka miris kalau ada beberapa omongan/ komplain dari pemakai bb cushion atau produk kecantikan apapun yang kemasannya punya cermin. Mereka bilang cerminnya buram dan diyakini sebagai produk cacat. Cerminnya kelihatan buram karena ada plastiknya yang harus dikelupas. Jadi yang baru tahu, kelupas dulu plastiknya supaya cerminnya jadi jelas ya gengs.
The cushion is dominantly in black color. I really like the cushion that has black body because it doesn't look dirty easily. The packaging looks sturdy. Unfortunately, the cushion lid cover hinge is somehow rocking a little. But it wasn't look fragile either.
This cushion has mirror like the standard BB Cushion. Oh yeah, I want to tell you a little. Sometimes I'm sad if there are some talk / complaints from users of BB cushion or any beauty product that has a mirror inside the packaging. They say the mirror looks blurry and they believe it's a defective product. It looks blurry because there is a layer of plastic that must be peeled off. So those of you who just found out this info, peel the plastic first and the mirror will become clear.
Segel stiker cushionnya gemes, ada gambar astronot mendarat di bulan. Untuk membuka segel ada bagian lekukan yang bisa ditarik. Bahan stikernya tebel loh seperti kertas karton. High quality banget.
The seal of the cushion sticker is adorable, there are images of astronauts landing on the moon. To open the seal, there is a part of the curve that can be pulled. The sticker material is thick like cardboard. Very high quality.
Cushion yang digunakan Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion jenisnya standar dan isi produknya kelihatan full. Tekan sedikit, produk yang keambil banyak.
The cushion used by Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion is the standard type and the product inside looks full. A little pressure will be taken on many products.
Puff Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion ini cukup unik. Bentuknya pointed diatas dan normal dibawah. Bagian pointed memudahkan aplikasi di bagian-bagian yang sulit dijangkau seperti bawah mata dan lekukan hidung. Puff-nya nggak terlalu banyak menyerap produk dan bisa meratakan produk dengan rata. Pegangan puffnya pas untuk 3 jari. Kalau 2 jari kayak di foto agak longgar sih. Warna puff-nya hitam diatas dan ungu lilac dibawah, gemesin kan?
This Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion Puff has a pretty unique shape. The shape is pointed above and normal below. The pointed part makes it easy to use in hard-to-reach parts such as under the eyes and nose grooves. The puff do not absorb too much of the product and can evenly distribute the product. The puff handle fits 3 fingers. I try only with 2 fingers like in the photo it feels a bit loose. The puff has 2 color which is black above and lilac below, adorable isn't it?
Cukup excited sama pemilihan warna Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion karena banyak teman-teman influencer yang bilang kalau warna 301 Honey cocok di kulit orang Indonesia. Warna 301 terangnya pas di kulitku. Tapi di aku yang skintone-nya yellow banget, 301 Honey warnanya masih kurang kuning. Jatuhnya lebih ke peach. Bisa diakalin pakai bedak yang warnanya kekuningan sesuai warna kulit.
Pretty excited about the Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion color selection because many influencer friends say that 301 Honey is suitable for Indonesian skin. The brightness of the color is right on my skin. But in me who has a strong yellowish skin tone, 301 Honey is still less yellow. It's more into peach color. I can use powder that matches the skin color to make it more yellowish.
Klaim yang diunggulkan Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion yaitu full coverage dengan hasil yang ringan, halus dan nggak menggumpal menurutku terbukti banget. Bisa dilihat difoto diatas kalau hasil penggunaan setelah ditumpuk 2 lapis hasilnya nggak menggumpal. Bekas jerawat tertutup hampir 90% dan punya efek menyamarkan pori-pori. Pernah nggak kalian pakai makeup yang bentuknya cream diatas cushion jadi patchy karena formulanya nggak cocok sama formula cushionnya? Nah, kalau pakai Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion kemungkinan patchy karena produk cream lain masih ada, tapi bagian yang patchy tadi bisa diperbaiki dan ngeblend dengan sempurna. Formulanya nggak menggumpal dan warnanya nggak oksidasi jadi warna layer lama dengan layer baru. Di apply diatas powder nggak patchy juga.
The top claim of Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion is "A weightless foundation provides smooth coverage with zero clumping" is truly proven. You can see in the photo above that there are no clumps after using 2 layers of cushion. It can covered almost 90% of acne scars and the pores become blurred. Have you ever experienced your cushion becomes patchy because the cream products such as the cream blusher used above don't match the cushion formula? Well, if you use Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion, it might happen depending on the formula of the cream product used above. But the patchy parts can be repaired properly. The formula does not clump and the color is not oxidized. You can't really tell the color differences between the old layer and the new ones. It can apply on the powdered surface without clumping too.
Formula Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion kekentalannya pas dan punya hasil akhir yang matte tapi di kulit nggak terasa kering sama sekali. Cushionnya set setelah beberapa detik. Sebanyak apapun layer yang dipakai nggak kelihatan dempul. Tetap kelihatan seperti 1 layer dengan coverage tinggi. Walaupun matte, di kulit kombinasi sensitifku cushion ini tetap terasa ringan dan nyaman seperti nggak pakai apa-apa. Nggak membuat bruntusan atau jerawatan juga.
The Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion formula is not too liquid nor thick. It has a matte finish, but on it doesn't feel dry on the skin at all. The cushion will turn to matte finish after a few seconds. As much as layers used, it won't look cakey. It still looks like 1 layer with a high coverage. Even though it has a matte finish, it still feels lightweight and comfortable like wearing nothing.
Formula Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion kekentalannya pas dan punya hasil akhir yang matte tapi di kulit nggak terasa kering sama sekali. Cushionnya set setelah beberapa detik. Sebanyak apapun layer yang dipakai nggak kelihatan dempul. Tetap kelihatan seperti 1 layer dengan coverage tinggi. Walaupun matte, di kulit kombinasi sensitifku cushion ini tetap terasa ringan dan nyaman seperti nggak pakai apa-apa. Nggak membuat bruntusan atau jerawatan juga.
The Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion formula is not too liquid nor thick. It has a matte finish, but on it doesn't feel dry on the skin at all. The cushion will turn to matte finish after a few seconds. As much as layers used, it won't look cakey. It still looks like 1 layer with a high coverage. Even though it has a matte finish, it still feels lightweight and comfortable like wearing nothing.
Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion punya aroma floral lembut dan segar. Aku yang bukan penggemar aroma floral suka banget sama aromanya.
Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion punya aroma floral lembut dan segar. Aku yang bukan penggemar aroma floral suka banget sama aromanya.
Menurutku, Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion yang punya kadar SPF 50 masih ramah flash test walaupun terlihat sedikit terang. Kalau berhijab sih whitecast-nya nggak terlalu kelihatan sih ya. Tapi kalau kalian nggak berhijab wajib waspada karena bakal ketara banget belangnya apalagi kalau leher/ area tubuh lain yang kelihatan nggak dikasih cushion juga. Yaa lebih baik sih kalau tahu acaranya bakal foto pakai flash dihindari aja penggunaan makeup apapun yang ber-SPF. Kalau nggak berhubungan sama flash kamera, aman~~~
In my opinion, the Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion which has SPF 50 still okay in flash test even though it looks a bit bright. The white cast doesn't really obvious when wearing hijab. But if you are a non hijaber, you have to be really careful because you have to cover your neck, chest or other area that will shown. Well, it's better to know what kind of event you want to attend when using this cushion. Please avoid using any makeup with SPF if you know you will be photographed with flash.
Foto diatas dalam kondisi hanya memakai Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion tanpa di set dengan bedak
The photo above is in the condition of only using Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion without being set with powder
Formula Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion diperuntukkan untuk dipakai di cuaca panas seperti Indonesia. Artinya cushion ini punya kemampuan oil control yang oke gitu kan. Hasilnya matte-satin finish. Jenis kulitku kombinasi - sensitif dimana bagian T-zone pasti berminyak. Waktu pakai cushion ini tanpa di set bedak di dalam ruangan nggak ber-AC, setelah pemakaian 3 jam minyak kelihatan cuma di area hidung aja. Minyak di area dahi dan dagu baru terlihat setelah pemakaian sekitar 4 atau 5 jam itupun kesannya glowy bukan oily. Kalau dipakai diluar ruangan (kondisi sepeda motoran), setelah kira-kira 1,5-2 jam minyak di hidung baru keluar. Baru setelah 3-4 jam minyak di dahi baru keluar. Nah, dalam kondisi minyakan pun formula cushionnya nggak crack/ patchy. Kesannya seperti minyak yang keluar dari kulit aja gitu. Setelah diblot pakai tissue, di bagian yang berminyak tadi cushionnya masih ada walaupun menipis. Hasilnya masih tetap smooth dan hampir terlihat seperti awal pakai.
Nah, kalian pasti bertanya-tanya hasil cushion ini kalau dibuat wudlu. Menurut pengalamanku, kalau diguyur air wudlu masih 80% awet. Air wudlu yang tersisa di wajah kelihatan sedikit keruh. Aku sarankan segera diblot pakai tissue karena air keruh yang mengering bisa membuat tampilan warnanya patchy. Setelah wajah dikeringkan warna cushionnya jadi menipis dan lebih kelihatan natural.
Kesimpulannya, aku suka banget sama Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion. Selain karena formulanya yang oke, warnanya ramah untuk kulit kuning langsat, oil controlnya lumayan oke dan kemasannya cantik. Walaupun tanpa refill, aku nggak ada masalah karena 1 BB Cushion bisa 6 bulan - 1 tahun habisnya, tergantung sering/ banyaknya produk yang dipakai. Kalau beli tanpa refill harganya jadi cukup terjangkau juga. Karena aku pribadi lebih suka base makeup yang punya yellow tone dibanding peach/ orange tone. Kedepannya aku harap Moonshot bisa menambah shade yang lebih yellow tone/ gelap lagi supaya yang kulitnya kuning langsat - sawo matang bisa pakai.
Jadi temen-temen, kalian sudah coba Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion belum? Bagaimana menurut kalian? Yang belum coba, jadi pengen coba nggak setelah baca reviewku ini? Share komentar kalian ya! Thank you for reading. Semoga reviewku bermanfaat buat kalian. See you on the next post!
Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion Formula is intended to be used in hot weather like Indonesia. It means this cushion has the good ability of oil control, right. It has a matte-satin finish. My skin type is combination - sensitive where the T-zone become oily after several hours. When using this cushion without a setting powder, in the non air-conditioned room I can see my nose becomes oily after 3 hours of using this cushion. Oil on the forehead and chin area is visible after 4 or 5 hours of use and it seems more to glowy than oily. If used outside, oil on the nose come out after about 1.5-2 hours and the oil on the forehead come out after 3-4 hours. Well, even it looks oily the formula does not crack / blotchy. The impression is just like the natural oil coming out of the skin. After blotted with the tissue, the blotted area is still smooth and almost looks like the beginning of use.
Well, you must be wondering the results of this pillow after doing wudlu (pouring water before prayer in Islam). In my experience, the cushion lasts 80%. The remaining water will look yellowish. I suggest tapping the rest of the water immediately using a tissue because it can make the color patchy when it dries. After the face is dry, the coverage becomes thinner and the color looks more natural.
In conclusion, I really like Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion. It has good formula, the color selection is okay for yellow skin tone, the oil control is good and the packaging is pretty. Even without refill, I have no problem because 1 piece of BB Cushion can be used for 6 months - 1 year, depending on how often you use it. The price is quite affordable than with an extra refill. I personally prefer base using makeup that has a yellow tone compared to peach / orange tone. I hope Moonshot can add more shades that has a more yellowish tone.
So friends, have you tried Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion yet? What do you think? If you haven't tried this cushion, are you want to try it after reading this review? Share your comments! Thank you for reading. Hopefully my review will be useful for you. See you on the next post!
Hallo kak, aku udah baca review kakak yang correct fit nah terus baca yg ini juga, tapi akunya ga mudeng jadi perbedaan antara coreet fit dg setting fit shade 301 apa ya kak? Terimakasih
BalasHapusOiya aku sampai lupa kasih keterangan perbedaannya. Yang beda itu finishnya. Kalau correctfit lebih satin sedangkan settingfit lebih matte. Kalau warnanya sih hampir mirip shade 301-nya
HapusWas kelihatan flawless ya! Aku udh sering denger review dr cushion ini. Jadi pengen cobain sendiri, packagingnya juga lucu banget
BalasHapusCassandra, xo
Packagingnya gemash bgt wkwkwk .. galaxy vibes bgt yah kaa unik bgt 😍😍😍 hasilnya juga flawless dan bagus